With 380+ hits for "quickly" on Google, the word cannot be ignored in the marketing. So what is "quickly"? Most often it comes up with the food. Asians love it. Then all possible services, and even a version of Ubuntu Unix operating system. Below are few examples:
With 12+ thousand fans on Facebook, Quickly USA knows something about the food indeed:
Shop logo
Located in the heart of New York City's Chinatown, Quickly serves up freshly prepared meat, seafood and vegetarian platters, ready to cook shabu shabu style -- in a hot pot of tasty simmering broth. Mix your own sauce, pick one of our signature Bubble Tea beverages, and you have a wonderful meal to savor on a lazy afternoon, or to enjoy with family and friends.
Quickly Ubuntu
Given the richness and variety of the Linux platform, programming on Linux should be easy and fun. However, it's not easy and fun because it is too hard to learn. It is too hard to learn because there are too many choices, and too much information to wade through. Quickly strives to make programming easy and fun by bringing opinionated choices about how to write different kinds of programs to developers. Included is a Ubuntu application template for making applications that integrate smoothly into the Ubuntu software infrastructure.
And many, many, more:
Quickly web group
All references [1 - 5]
Short link: http://name.ly/~19hR$4c
No wonder, quick.ly was one of the most popular .ly jingles.
Well, quick.tv is already popular.
Another two popular sites: qik.com and qik.ly
[…] sale within a month, following dai.ly, which was acquired by French Dailymotion and quick.ly, which went to a Canadian start-up. If the sales keep coming like this, we will be seen big names serious.ly changing hands week.ly or […]