Archive for April, 2009

As noticed in London tube today, Natural Hydration Council has launched a new campaign promoting drinking water of Highland Springs, Harrogate Spa, Volvic, Evian, Buxton,  Speyside Glenlivet et al.


Despite all the crisis on the markets, Garanti bank of Turkey is fit and runs intensive advertising campaign featuring itself as: Globally talented. Digitally advanced. Sincerely yours. The world’s favourite Turkish bank.


L.LY and V.LY are now being auctioned on Sedo. How high will the prices go?

Never tried Geely cars, but they say they are okay and cheap. I went to but got lost in unreadable characters. The actual web page covering cars is hidden some where two level deep under the ground:

Weekly magazines

Just noticed a long and awkward URL for The Week subscription service in the UK: Now, just imagine that they had to run a TV campaign. * How many people would remember it? – none. * How many people would bother to type it at all? – Very few. Now imagine it all […]