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Saїd – prepare to see things differently

Said Business School (University of Oxford), one of the leading British management schools, emphasises on seeing things “differently”:


Old good still enjoys quite few visitors. Their jingle “It’s FUN! It’s FREE! It’s FUGLY! – funny videos, flash games, clean jokes, hilarious movies, funny pics, office jokes, free prizes, horrible horoscopes, hysterical chat pranks, chat scripts and much more!” is a bit too long, but self-explanatory indeed. The site is popular for various […]

WISE – World Innovation Summit for Education

In Qatar they must know something about .LY one would think. And yet, for an event stuffed with big UN names etcetera they only went for a decent web-site, Well, at least their technical stuff managed to secure, while wiseqatar.* went to squatters. Next time, it is time to think indeed.

Instantly by HSBC

In the modern world, don’t we just love it when things are done We all must agree – we hate to wait – this is the biggest change of a human being of the 21st century. It was okay to sit and wait for months for a letter to arrive and contemplate about news […]


Featured in July this year on TechCrunch, Brizzly is a simple way to experience the social web, a promised Twitter Reader from the same people who developed Google Reader. They say, it is coming soon from Thing Labs. Twitter is a phenomenon indeed, which Europeans still do not fully understand. It gave birth do […]